"Break on through: The life and Death of Jim Morrison" is a book I picked up yesterday at the Monmouth County library, when I was searching for a book for silent reading during my eight grade language arts class. It is a deep thought provoking look into the life of one of Rock and Rolls legends who largely shaped what music is today. I liked it so much I decided to node parts of it that I really enjoy. The reason I enjoy this book is I love the whole psychedelic classic rock scene The Doors in particular, and reading the book has given me insight as to why Jim wrote about what he did. Now when I go back and listen to The Doors the music makes a lot more sense and I can enjoy it on a deeper level. So without further ado here it is. All credit goes to James Riordan & Jerry Prochnicky. Starting on page seventy.
"So, in the sleazy beach area of Venice, Jim Morrison began the final stages of his catharsis from a shy overweight kid to a poet and a rock legend. Among the muddy canals and peeling colonnades, he lived alone above abandoned rooms where the only sound was the occasional echo of a passing car and the only light an eerie reflection of the passageways below. It was a strange place which befitted a strange time in his life. Like the building, Morrison began to close out the world around him. The light struggled to get in and the darkness pushed to get out, but all Jim Morrison knew was that a change was taking place inside of him. After a while he rarely left the roof dropping acid almost continually and spending his time meditating and writing, but most of all waiting. Something was about to happen."
Authors James Riordan & Jerry Prochnicky Selected poetrey reprinted with permission: From The American Night by Jim Morrison. Copyright 1990 by Wilderness Publications. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc.
I discussed the book with my guitar teacher today In his opinion the best book on Jim Morrison is "no one here gets out alive" He said the book sounded interesting and he would pick it up.