possibly even more obvious base than base 2. To represent N in base 1, just make N zeros.

When you don't know what base you're in, it's always safe to revert to base 1. So, to explain that you want to work in decimal, explain it as "base 0000000000". Because if you say "I work in base 10", the other guy will say all bases are base 10.
Japanese "Negative Base", so-called because most of the endings used with Base 1 have a negative aspect.

Godan verbs in Base 1 all end in -a. Ichidan verbs have no Base 1, you just use the stem directly.

To form Base 1 for Godan verbs, follow the pattern with these example verbs, which should cover all the possible phonologies:

The irregular verbs kuru and suru use ko- and shi-, respectively.

Some example endings for Base 1:

-nai Informal present negative. This can be made more polite by adding desu, with no change in meaning.

Furansu-go ga hanasanai.
I don't speak French.

Ototo wa kan-shoku ga tabenai desu.
My little brother doesn't eat Korean food.

-nakute Does not do and ...; without doing; not doing. Mild cause-effect concept.

O-tomodachi ga konakute, doo shimasu ka.
What will you do if your friend doesn't come?
(Literally: Your friend does not come, and what do you do?)

Exceptionally (but predictably), aru becomes simply nakute.

O-kane ga nakute, kaimasen deshita.
Having no money, I didn't buy it.

-nakatta Informal negative past. Very commonly heard in anime, and in speech in general. Again, adding desu raises the politeness level slightly.

I didn't know.

Watashi no tomodachi wa kinoo konakatta.
My friend didn't come yesterday.

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