(Lights out on OMP, up on mainstage, which is set with ROSE’S BEDROOM. A vanity is set stage left, a bed stage right. ROSE is dry-eyed, but BRENDA is forcing tissues on her.)

BRENDA: There you go, honey. Let it out. Cry. Be angry.

ROSE: I don’t think I’m angry.

BRENDA: Then get angry.

ROSE: Maybe it was nothing. Maybe I just didn’t hold out for long enough.

BRENDA: You were there for half an hour. That’s plenty long enough.

ROSE: But what if it wasn’t and I -

BRENDA: It was. He stood you up.

ROSE: (A few tears.) I know.

BRENDA: What a jerk.

ROSE: What a jerk. Still, though. We can get over this. It’s just a… a speed bump.

BRENDA: Just a speed bump? He didn’t even bother calling you. He doesn’t care about you. He’s too busy with himself.

ROSE: I don’t believe that.

BRENDA: Rose. What’s your favorite song?

ROSE: It's that old Etta James song. At Last.

BRENDA: Does he know that?

ROSE: I don’t know.

BRENDA: He doesn’t. I guarantee it. He’s too self-obsessed.

ROSE: No, not George.

BRENDA: Yes George. This is the man who alphabetizes his shoes.

ROSE: It doesn’t take him that long. He only owns three pairs.

BRENDA: This is the man who takes longer than you to get ready in the morning.

ROSE: I really don’t take that long.

BRENDA: This is the man who takes longer than me in the morning.

ROSE: Oh-okay, you’re right. (Cries.) Oh, why couldn’t I see that he was such a… a jerk?

BRENDA: I don’t know, honey. I tried to tell you.

ROSE: But still. He seemed so nice.

BRENDA: Be afraid of the nice ones.

ROSE: But then who can I trust?

BRENDA: Trust people like me. Open jerks. At least we’re not trying to hide anything.

ROSE: Agh. (Beat.) He's such a jerk!

BRENDA: (Standing her up, in the middle of the room.) Come on, let it out. What is he?


BRENDA: (Playing the nasty drill sergeant role.) WHAT?





ROSE: (Transitions back to just being sad, collapses on her bed, sighs.) I can’t believe he’s such a jerk.

BRENDA: I tried to warn you, honey. He was never right for you. Just remember Auntie Brenda’s special advice: Don’t trust the nice ones. They’re either faking it or trying to sell you something.

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