Aka a side.

"In life, one is entitled to a side dish of either coleslaw or potato salad, and the choice must be made in terror, with the knowledge that not only is our time on earth limited but most kitchens close at ten."
-- Woody Allen

   A supplementary food (dish) served separately and accompanying the main course or entrée, meant to enhance the enjoyment or nutritional value of the meal, or both. Back in the day, this meant a balanced meal often consisted of a main and two sides, and quite possibly bread of some sort, especially if no other carbohydrates were being served. Unless, of course, said meal was served on a holiday or special occasion, in which case it would have more properly been referred to as a feast and could very well include not only more than two sides (a necessity, really) but additional entrée as well. And desserts, always multiple desserts.

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Alternatively, a side dish can also be a person one is seeing intimately outside of, and to a lesser degree than, their main monogamous romantic relationship; a sidepiece. See also okazu.

"You're just a side dish not the main course!"
-- Eric Jerome Dickey

SQ '24