Happy Birthday to me. I'm 28 today.

This last year has been a really weird one. Between a concentrated effort to lose weight (I'm down about 40 pounds so far this year), a very heavy load at work, and playing Eshraval, I really haven't been spending any time here at E2. I stop in every week or so to see what's been going on, and then drift back off. I don't think I'm gone, but I'm not sure that I'm really here that often anymore.

The word block that had taken hold last year is still in effect, and it makes me wonder if anything of value will ever come out again. It's not for lack of trying, I'm sad to say. There have been many nights spent staring at the blinking cursor, and I am beginning to wonder if I'm not just wasting my time.

I've been having these really intense dizzy spells recently, and been seeing a bunch of doctors. They've been poking and prodding me, stabbing me with needles, sticking me in loud machines for extended periods at a time. No answers yet, but a lot of theories, and a lot of medication, and lot more poking and prodding. I get to go back to a new set of doctors in a few weeks to see what they say. Maybe I'll get to hear some new scary words that I haven't heard before.

The nephew thing is working out really well for me. I was back home last week to log some baby time, and ended up taking part in feeding and dressing, and inevitably undressing and changing, and feeding and dressing baby. I think I have a max limit of about three or four days of baby time before I become tired and disinterested. It's a good thing I went through all of the trouble of having that second vasectomy in May, so that I can be extra extra sure I don't need to deal with that later. However, I have found that I enjoy spending an ungodly amount of money and time in various baby stores. I am amazed in the advances in baby technology in the last fifteen or so years. Pacifiers that are thermometers. Cribs that turn into beds. I wandered around for a few hours and ended up maxing out the credit card without noticing.

We ended up moving again. We are suing to try and get our security deposit back for the old place. The guy who bought the building from our nice old landlord doesn't seem to understand the subtleties of residential leasing. I hate being the kind of person that sues other people, and I hate being the kind of person that can't seem to negotiate a settlement with other people out of court. However, after the fifth time of trying to to do the right thing and play nice, we are tired of getting dicked around. So now we get to figure out how the court systems work for things such as these. I hope to never have to do anything like this again, and I really hope that this doesn't count against my karma. I really tried not to do this.

That aside, things are good. We are doing really well up here. We are well-fed, our home is comfortable, and our days are generally worry-free. I'm not sure how things could be better right now, and I think that is the best birthday gift of all.