The proper way to respond to a wedding invitation is by using your house stationery. You do have house stationery, don't you? If your supply has been temporarily depleted by your frequent letters to friends and relatives, an unlined sheet of paper will do. In any case, you should handwrite one of the following responses using blue or black ink. Using a typewriter or computer to compose your response is, of course, out of the question.

In the example below, Mr. and Mrs. Josephine Smith are the father and mother of the bride. In this case, they are the ones who sent the invitation, so they are the ones to whom you are responding.

To accept:

                               Mrs. David Morris
                             accepts with pleasure
                             the kind invitation of
                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Josephine Smith
                          Saturday, the fourth of May
                             at twelve o'clock noon

To decline:

                               Mrs. David Morris
                      regrets that she is unable to accept
                          the very kind invitation of
                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Josephine Smith
                          Saturday, the fourth of May
                             at twelve o'clock noon