There are three sub-classifications in the kingdom monera.

Phylum Schizophyta: Bacteria; about 2,000 species including eubacteria, rickettsias, mycoplasmas, and spirochetes; mostly heterotrophs; some photosynthetic and chemosynthetic autotrophs. Reproduction is usually asexual by binary fission or fragmentation.

Phylum Cyanophyta: Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria; about 200 species of photosynthetic autotrophs with chlorophyll a and accessory pigments;no chloroplasts; mostly filamentous; some unicellular. Reproduction is asexual by binary fission or fragmentation.

Phylum Prochlorophyta: Protosynthetic autotrophs; contain chlorophyll a and b, xanthophylls, and carotenes.

The Five Kingdoms