I have a secret supporter.

I find cards in my mailbox. On top of the mail. There was one yesterday. My first name is on the envelope, spelled correctly, which is more unusual that you'd think. No address, no stamp, no last name. Yesterday's card reads:

often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Inside the card is blank.

I am not sure how long the cards have been arriving. Over two years. I wrote Wellness the other day and said it had been twenty months since I'd gotten sick. Wrong. It will be three years in June, so 33 months. I have received seven or eight cards.

Whoever it is knows when things are stressful.

I had not gotten one for a while until yesterday's card. I thought perhaps I'd gotten the last one. The last week has been very hard, though in many ways a relief. A giving up and going on. A goodbye. Multiple goodbyes.

Thank you, secret person. I don't know who you are. I was in tears when I arrived home and found your card.

Thank you.