Maps have been around for a long time. At first, people only mapped what they knew, and replaced the places they didn't know with strange and horrific
monsters. But we are passed that now. We map with computers using
satellite images and aerial photographs. There is little unknown these days.
Maps are sometimes used to illustrate physical features. Maps can be
real or
virtual. Examples of real maps are road maps, radar and satellite photos. An example of a virtual map is a mental map or image, it can't been seen physically but you reference it to get where you are going. A
digital map is also a virtual map since coordinate points are stored digitally.
When I made my first map, it had streets and a
north arrow. It spoke of
direction to some nearby destination.
My most recent map was of
contour elevations of southeast
florida. I raised the ocean levels and watched the area
I grew up in quickly disappear under a sea of blue. Just a
25 foot increase and we begin to sea the worlds largest
man-made coral reef.
Mercedes Benz-sized
brain coral...