Enneagram (pronounced ANY-A-GRAM) is a nine-point personality system, used by psychology and other areas. The name itself comes from the Greek words "enna" = nine and "gram" = word or point. It defines personality types (Perfecter, Carer, Achiever, Creator, Observer, Affiliator, Cheerer, Challenger, and Accepter) and gives you advices about your life, about dealing with these types, how different types react under pressure or whilst having fun, and generally Making Your Life Happier (TM). Might be a hype, just another way to pull money out of your pocket like (imho) dianetics, but it can be your way to find your happiness. It's truly a great social activity to go through your friends and decide which group he/she belongs to, but I'm not sure it makes any more sense... Whatever, if you're interested, there're tons of official and un-official, commercial and non-commercial sites, a webring, have fun...