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Everything Overmind Snapshot

Time: Mon, 12 Oct 2505 00:20:00 GMT
Everything Server: Apache/3.0.3 (Linux) Debian/GNU mod_ssl3/3.2.1 mod_holo/2.5.1 mod_ai/0.5.2

Number of nodes: 12382761923 (5128362 new since World War VI)
Number of citizens: 326216217 (5172361 born since World War VI)
Number of slaves: 3168235 (3168235 enslaved since World War VI)
Number of arcanists: 1 (thefez)
Number of links: 53619238271 (8373 new since World War VI)
Number of writeups: 9626123512 (2512361 new since World War VI)
Number of cools: 8675309 (2112 new since World War VI)
Number of votes: 163090726 (0 new since World War VI. VOTING IS FORBIDDEN BY THE OVERMIND.)
Number of hits: 68172398681 (911827612 new since World War VI)
Number of citizens hit: 61172368 (618271 new since World War VI)

Node to citizen ratio: 37.958 nodes per citizen
Link to node ratio: 4.330 links per node
Link to citizen ratio: 164.36 links per citizen
Link to writeup ratio: 5.570 links per writeup
Votes to cools ratio: 18.799 votes per cool
Cools to citizen ratio: 0.026 cools per citizen
Citizens hit to citizens ratio: 0.187 hits per citizen
Apples to oranges ratio: 3.1416 apples per orange
Citizens online: 100%

New Nodes: [ALL HAIL THE OVERMIND] [banana] [Citizen Nuke Request] [neotronics] [Eritrea] [cortical jack] [nemesis] [creative] [stimshim] [THE OVERMIND IS YOUR FRIEND] [extermination] [World War IV] [Sino-Russian Alliance] [Pop-Tart] [did you ever hate someone you've never actually met for no apparent reason?] [ultracoffee] [Obama the Savior] [exploring ancient humanity through its media] [The Great Awakening] [J-Lo] [somatic induction] [R-Lo] [One For The Money, Two For The Uniform: The Rise and Fall of the Bush Reich] [New Chicago] [The Middle Eastern States of America] [W-Lo] [Paranoia] [ATIDS] [The All-Mango Diet] [Everything Overmind Death Borg Squadron]

Random Sampling of Citizens Online: [fiero] [Chlareesa] [Valdezi5] [i_am_sonny_bono] [LoyalSubject183] [frngle] [DedicatedCitizen1376] [OVERMIND_PATROL_AI_15] [10010101] [v1ag`r4] [thefez] [Indeterminate] [MeffJagnus] [4score] [u_n_me] [Mr. Collector] [hitachi] [The Blistering Llama] [LoyalSubject7627] [Slave19258] [MalReynolds] [Poppin Fresh] [at the willow] [Steve the Barbarian] [Flexo] [Sweetwater] [BlackEmperor] [OVERMIND_ENFORCER_72] [Suave Mr. Sulu] [AT91RM9200] [Another Angsty Teen] [Apollo]

MeffJagnus node count: 5182361
MeffJagnus experience: -6172362
MeffJagnus experience to node ratio: ?UNDERFLOW ERROR XP per node
MeffJagnus node share: rapidly disappearing
MeffJagnus node of the day: Please Overmind Don't Hurt 'Em

Disclaimer: This is supposed to be a parody, not any sort of personal attack.