well.... i went to church this morning for the first time in easily over a year or two. of course that doesn't count the wedding i went to last weekend. it wasnt horrible, i'll have to say at least that. i liked the warmth that was in the room. everyone was very nice and caring, or so it seemed to me.

I've had a rough past week. actually the past month has not been that peachy, to be realistic. my girlfriend and i of over a year (july 19, 2001) have been having some major troubles. basically what it boils down to is that i have been taking her for granted, though i didnt realize it. Even when things started to sour, i STILL was taking her for granted. but this past week has been the real clincher. we broke up last monday. It was pretty rough. she had been really hurt by me and decided that it was time. then three days later i hear, by her mind you, that she's met someone else and she's having a blast. wow!! what a kick in the head. seriously, my face, hands and arms were going numb because i was so worked up. i've lost at least 5lbs because of this. i just havnt had the urge to eat; nothing sounds good at all. well, all except water and juice. we'll see how long i last on that. i know that things are goign to be O.K., one way or another, but that doesnt mean that it doesnt suck. but the worst part is that she and i both still care immensly for eachother. she knows that i still care for her and visa versa, but for the time being we, as a couple are not going to work. ouch!! either we both have a lot of thinking to do, or a lot of getting over to do. the only real thing that i can do it wait, because only time will tell. i think that i am a fairly patient person, but damn!!! i wanna know now!!!! i want to know if i should keep working towards something between or if i shouldnt bother and focus on moving on, and getting over her...

not that i'm complaining as to the rep of this node, but i am curious as to what makes this nodeworthy of so many down votes. i'm not asking for upvotes, but if you do feel it necessary to give this a negative vote, i would love it if you would /msg me with comments as to why.