What can we say about it, as people?
Love is the single most important thing we have to offer.
In a sick and twisted way, it is also one of the most
painful and destructive things we have to offer as a

We tear down the barrier that we put up to protect ourselves
from heartache, and pain. Between two people who are in
love, there can be no barrier.

The line must be erased and no longer exist if you are
truly, deeply, in love.

Experience can guide us, only to an extent..but if, and when
you fall in love with someone, if you can't imagine living
another day without that one person, well, i wish you luck.

Nothing can fully prepare you for love.
You will lose sleep.
You will cry.
You will laugh.
You will live.
Love is a miracle, and a curse.

I could sit here and try to define it all day for you.
However, nothing i say will materialize it for you.
That part you have to discover on your own.
I wish the best to you, in this, the most important aspect
of life.
We all know, its not an easy one.

"To make the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well,
you haven't lived a life at all.
You have to try.
Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived."