The cycle race wasn't going to be held outside because the grass wouldn't allow cycles on it. We decided to hold it inside the church because that would make it interesting. For some reason we could cycle up and down the stairs without impediment. The race started with me near the middle of the pack, everyone else seemed to streak away quickly and left me to navigate the strange course by myself. Even though I couldn't see anyone, I still felt as though I was last, or at least losing. My legs were hurting and I couldn't steer or pedal the bike properly, and as I wobbled, I lost my bearing and got lost at the spiral staircase which led to the cliffside. As I despaired, and cursed myself for my stupidity, I was approached by one of the church wardens, a friend of my family. He told me that I hadn't lost at all, in fact I had finished in the top 3.

Tired from all that cycling, I laid on the sofa. I wanted to wash, but I couldn't work out where the shower was, or how to work it. She walked past me and started using the shower attached to the end of the chair. I wanted to use it as well, but I was trying to find my phone.

Then I woke up...