Had a repeat of a dream I had about 3 weeks ago as I took a nap.

I walked down a dark alley where I found a knife on the floor. I picked it up and stared at its beauty and looked at the blood on it from a small light above a local diner. I walked around for a while and felt a little strange. I saw a young woman walking along the street with her dog, a poodle. She saw me and said, "Hello." I followed her for a while and ended up pushing her into a little corner and stabbed her with the knife. I felt the blade slide into her stomach and felt the push back that the organs gave me from the impact. I took it out of her and stabbed her again in the chest. The dog barked for a long time as I ran away.

Covered in blood I soaked myself with a water hose that I saw in a backyard. While doing so a tall and big man came out to see what was going on. He saw me and told me to get off his property. I soaked myself a little more and he started coming towards me. When he was getting real close to me I dropped the water hose and lunged at him with the knife going deep into his chest. He cried in pain but punched me in the face as he went down. I stabbed him again and again in his own backyard. I resumed soaking myself.

I don't remember the following two killings but I know they happened. I'm now in a room with a guy from high school that I knew but didn't really know. We were talking for what seemed to be 2 minutes and I stabbed him in the arm. The thing was that he didn't even flinch at the pain so I stabbed him in the other arm. I stabbed him in between his ribs and he was covered in blood and began to wince at the pain. He would not die so I took this other knife and stabbed him in the neck with them feeling the kinves hit his neck bone. I took them out and he still was not dead.

All of a sudden a girl was in the room with us carrying a doll which she said was a voodoo doll and would represent Gilbert (the guy). She turned the doll on its back and sliced it from the neck to the buttocks and blood formed a small lake in the slit. Gilbert was still not dead so I cursed the girl and grabbed the doll. I stabbed the doll between its ribs and pushed up with it spilling the contents of the doll, one of which was a heart that I immediately chewed on and ate. Gilbert was still not dead so I cursed him and threw him on the bed and shoved an ice pick in between his ribs on his heart side and he squirmed and squirmed.

I heard a voice outside of that of my father's and I got scared thinking he was going to open the door and she what I had done. I hear the door knob being turned and as the door opened I woke up to my dad waking me up to tell me that he was home.

Not the weirdest dream I've had but an interesting one at best.