Egg Drop Soup Recipe

2 cups chicken broth
1/8 t. white pepper
1/2 t. soy sauce
1/4 t. sesame oil
1 t. corn starch
1 egg
veggies (optional)

Heat broth, pepper, soy sauce and sesame oil until it just begins to boil. Add veggies if desired. Add cornstarch by mixing with either water or some of the broth to make a thin paste and stirring it into the soup to thicken.

Whisk the egg and using a fork, drizzle over the boiling soup. Reduce heat to keep it warm until ready to serve. This serves 2 people as a side or as an appetizer. It's not quite enough for a full meal without fudging by adding a little extra broth or water.

NOTES: All ingredient amounts can be varied to taste. The key ingredient is the sesame oil. I sometimes like to add a little white pepper to the egg before dropping it in the soup.


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