Today I refused to clean up my room. Not wanting to find any little bits of sadness buried under the blankets. Sunbathed. Ate peanut butter with my beer. Resolved that sleep is very close to being an absolute good. Heard nervous Julia pacing while I read her stories. Seduced the entire swim team of my old high school in my mind because I was so gawky unpopular then

Spoke carefully, lukewarm, and I may regret it later, because accidents will happen

Decided in favor of happiness.

Erected a statue to the ingenius failures of my good friend Mike.

Saw Bruno in the doorway, sweaty on rollerblades, and listened patiently to the newest episode in his monumental failure to get laid.

Smiled at the photographs in my head.

Said to myself that I want to write poetry again. Decided that "poetry" was an impoverished and misused word like many words.

Shrugged, too thankful sleepy to think.