As an interesting side note, I.M. Pei also designed the Pei Dormitories, a notable architectural feature of New College in Sarasota, Florida. They are specially designed to be asymmetrical, so that the inhabitants can not become accustomed to them. This purportedly has the effect of forcing the students who live there to pay attention to the architecture every time they walk through, instead of becoming used to it. This is considered a Good Thing for the architect, but is often referred to as a Bad Thing by inebriated students who can't figure out where their dorm has gone.

Rumors about the Pei Dormitories include that they were originally to be done in blue marble, by the bay, that they were all going to originally have double balconies, but that they ran out of materials and that they were to be regular apartments, and that they were to be a senior citizen's rest home community. This last one has been largely discounted, due to the treacherous nature of the concrete stairs, and the general lack of amenities.