Well, as far as I'm concerned, here in the Eastern United States, it's still February 18, 2001, so I will write my day log here. I'm still sick, so I gave a sympathy up-vote to everyone else who wrote a day log about being sick. I feel all your pain.

I'm listening to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. It's fun using other people's computers because then you can see all the weird music in their playlists. See, on my own computer, I would never think to enqueue this song, but now that I'm listening to it, it's kinda nice. I honestly think one of the best parts of being a college student is the freedom to wander aimlessly into someone else's room and just use their stuff. Only 3 months left. Somehow, I don't think grad school will be the same.

Eww. The next song on the playlist is "Lucky" by Britney Spears. Sorry, I just don't feel her pain.

So, how was my day, you ask? Well, it was ok. I woke up late, I watched the Daria marathon on MTV, I did some work, I had dinner, I did some more work... and here I am. I really like Daria. She's exactly who I wanted to be in high school, but I somehow never managed to quite shake off the desire to be popular, at least in some small way. I think there's something really impressive about someone who honestly doesn't care about other people's opinions. Sadly, she's just a cartoon character.

Hmmm.. Only 10:30 pm. Maybe I'll go get some dessert. Another great thing about college -- fast metabolism. Everyone talks about the freshman fifteen. Nonsense. I'm convinced that everyone immediately gains 15 pounds upon graduating from college.

Well, stay tuned for the next installment of my life. Maybe tomorrow I'll get into Stanford. Keep your fingers crossed for me. (Is it ok for me to say that? I'm Jewish, so I've never been sure.)