The gym teacher told me today "You are getiing so strong, can you believe it!?!" She's the best at encouraging me. It wasn't all that long ago it was a victory to walk to the corner and back:)

Found Chubby Checker's Limbo Rock my e-mail from Number Two Son. We share the computer and sometimes we e-mail stuff. I told him about the kids up the street playing that song the other day so he downloaded it for me and sent it as a surprise for me this morning. He's gonna get a BIG HUG for that one!

Pat yourself on the back knarph! Number Two Son had a paper as part of his final grade. He needed 15 events that happened in the 90's that would most likely be remembered in history. Last night he used the search here on Everything and gathered what he needed from your nodes.

God's Promises

The mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you.
- Isaiah 54:10 (NRSV)

During the turbulences and upheavals I am experiencing, I realize how little I can do about my situation. Being reminded of God's steadfast love, I no longer feel overwhelmed by by fear and uncertainty. Sometimes God works in ways we cannot see or understand. I believe God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
