As a child, I thought "Little Black Sambo" was a great story -- mean old tigers taking a kid's clothes to wear, little kid outwitting villains, blah blah blah... and the tigers turning into butter at the end was a big plus for me. Even now, I consider it one of the better pieces of fantasy imagery: fierce tigers racing around a tree, faster and faster, turning into a blur, and eventually melting into butter, which the valiant young hero and his family use to make pancakes.

But now the story is recognized as a racist tale, and it's rarely told anymore. I understand why, now that I'm an adult. I think it's too bad to lose out on the vivid imagery of the tigers turning into butter, but it's a minor issue, compared to the racism of the story. 

There used to be a pancake restaurant called Sambo's. They served an extremely delicious topping called "tiger butter" with their pancakes. When I was a kid, my parents would take us kids down there for a special treat, and we'd eat pancakes with tiger butter 'til we'd just about bust. But like the story, the restaurant died off, too. Again, I understand why -- "Sambo" became an anti-black racial epithet, despite the story originally being set in India, and something like that is hard for a modern restaurant to live down. Nevertheless, sometimes I wish I had something like that great butter for my pancakes...