A turbelent two days. Found out that my plans to move to Long Island have been waylaid by the fact that Skywalker
is going to Jordan for 3 weeks of June, then to Vegas
for the week after...leaving po' ole Garryn nowhere to go. But that has been taken care of, thank any and all ambigous outer powers. Spent Tuesday and this evening with Quantum Faery, heretofore refered to as QF. Little libra goth girl that's stolen a bit of my heart, and she knows it. Tonight as I was making a smoking implement for her roommate, she looks at me and says "I'm glad to see how you made theirs versus how you made mine". She gets puzzled look. "I mean, how you made mine shows me that I'm not just another one, just another person." Okay, make a friend a bowl and it all comes out. Duh. Sadly enough, 8 years never seemed so small a difference in age, or loomed so large. I told her the other night I was glad, for the sake of our friendship, that I was leaving. I am. But she I'll miss sorely..more so than others I thought I would more. Life goes on, one long merry song, right? And once I come up to the Great White North(or as I hear, Great Wet North) I shall run from Libras as I once did Scorpios. Tired of confusion, of wanting things that don't want me, of needing people that don't need me. Man, cancers of the world, UNITE! Still can't sleep, insomnia seems funs at first, ya know, all those extra hours to do things, beside sleep. Four nights in a row is a bit much, though. Any ideas? Waiting for the thunder is driving me mad. Out of the year and a half I've been roasting here in Floriduh, I've been through so many damn people, and finailly that I've found the two people I'm fully comfortable with, QF and Thor, I'm leaving. There is a third, but she tromped off :) Soon, baby, soon. I'm ready. Are you?