It's 4 in the morning.
I just woke up from this, and realized I had to node it.
Today was a good day for me. I finally broke the overwhelming noder's block that has stopped me from adding to the database for a week or two now. Every time I would go to add something, I would feel singularly uninspired, or that my contribution would be useless. So tonight, I finally broke that, and spewed out three nodes in rapid fire, one of which was C!ed. I then, guilt free, read a great deal of the recent nodes by some of my favorite users. The recent New York noder gathering was read about in great detail. I love noder gatherings. I mention these details as they pertain to my dream a great deal.

Right. So, in my dream, I'm just coming out of a large bathroom in a penthouse suite in a New York Hotel. I don't know how I knew it was a New York penthouse suite, I just did. I had to wash my hands, because I'd gotten some cheese whiz on them. The New York noders were holding a gala event in this suite, with Noders from all up and down the east coast there to celebrate their E2 fellowship. For some reason, however, a large portion of the west coast contingent was there as well, including myself, prole, sparky, flamingweasel, pukesick, ideath, mojoe, Pseudo_Intellectual, and icicle, just to name a few.

Now, here's the weird part. Y'see, all those people I just listed, I happen to have met. So I know what they look like. I've never met nor seen any pictures of the east coast noders. So, all the east coast noders were eerily mutated versions of the west coast noders. StAB looked like a wierd icicle/ideath polymorph. nocode was a bizarre mojoe lookalike with flamingweasel's build and P_I's beard. You don't want to know what yossarian looked like. P_I kept asking nocode what he was wearing his beard for. At this point, I realized what was going on (as I sometimes have a tendency to do in dreams) and decided to make the most of it before I woke up. I went over to the buffet and got myself a glass of stout. I'm not 21 yet, you see. Then I woke up.

If this dream seems too linear to you, pity me for my ultra-linear, strangely logical nightmares. My "I'm stuck on an Alien infested ship with my pathological fear of parasites and no Sigourney Weaver" dream was enough to make me stay awake for 24 hours.

uhh...sleep again calls...