A conversation between friends....

The following took place December sixth. Just some boring chit-chat with my friend Sarah.(happyandbleeding_000).

happyandbleeding_000: Shalom!
happyandbleeding_000: What's up, yo?
fenwickdrummer: Nada.
fenwickdrummer: Looking for some crazy shit Sam wanted.
happyandbleeding_000: Yeah? Thats kewl. Is he there?
fenwickdrummer: No he's at home I believe.
fenwickdrummer: I was just over there jammin' a bit ago.
fenwickdrummer: Check this out ----> www.coloring.com
fenwickdrummer: On-line coloring book!!!
happyandbleeding_000: Kick ass!
happyandbleeding_000: Dude, my computer is waaaaaaayy to slow to even enjoy it....
fenwickdrummer: That sucks.
happyandbleeding_000: I think I prefer crayons and paper.
fenwickdrummer: It's really cool, but I understand.
fenwickdrummer: Colored pencils.
happyandbleeding_000: That's an interesting picture you have there..... Is that a slice of ham? Where was that?
fenwickdrummer: It was on my wall.
fenwickdrummer: I took a picture of it and then printed it off and put it up on my wall exactly where that ham was when I took the picture.
fenwickdrummer: It's a long story.
fenwickdrummer: My computer is being slow and stupid as well...
happyandbleeding_000: Yeah...my theory is that they are possessed by the souls of 80,000 year old men.... or maybe demons.
fenwickdrummer: One of the two.
fenwickdrummer: I found this really crazy site about uploading the human mind or soul onto a computer.
happyandbleeding_000: Really??
happyandbleeding_000: Explain.
happyandbleeding_000: Or just tell me the website.
fenwickdrummer: Hold on gotta find the website.
happyandbleeding_000: K
fenwickdrummer: http://metalab.unc.edu/jstrout/uploading/MUHomePage.html
fenwickdrummer: But about the ham...
fenwickdrummer: Mitch was over and we made a gravity bong. Got fried. Decided to eat some ham, but long-story-short, we decided it would be better if we were to throw the ham onto the wall and take a picture of it.
fenwickdrummer: The mind uploading page is A LOT of reading.
happyandbleeding_000: I don't mind a little reading.
fenwickdrummer: I read a little of it, but it's quite far-fetched.
happyandbleeding_000: How do you even fathom to search for this stuff?
fenwickdrummer: I get bored.
happyandbleeding_000: Like that purple website..... that's crazy.
happyandbleeding_000: And you can donate money to it.
fenwickdrummer: I know.
fenwickdrummer: Fucked up.
happyandbleeding_000: Did you see the picture of the guy who made it?
fenwickdrummer: No I did not.
happyandbleeding_000: Ha ha he looks just like Jack off Will and Grace.
fenwickdrummer: Hehehe. I hate that show.
happyandbleeding_000: Guess what?? I get to go see Foo Fighters and Weezer.... It's my first concert. ever.
fenwickdrummer: http://www.famousspirits.com/ Here you can purchase spirits of dead celebrities.
fenwickdrummer: WHEN?!?!?!
fenwickdrummer: Weezer would rock in concert.
fenwickdrummer: ?
happyandbleeding_000: I Know!!! my sister's boyfriend won two tickets off of the radio station 107.3, and doesn't like Weezer, so he GAVE me his ticket...... I'm going to fucking cry, or have a seizure or something. I cannot wait. Ummmmmm......January sixth I think it is....
happyandbleeding_000: grrrrrrrrr........my computer is being slllloooowwwww.
fenwickdrummer: Yeah yeah, I hope you have a good time.
happyandbleeding_000: The Strokes would be fucking awesome to see in concert too..........but Weezer will do.
fenwickdrummer: Yeah. I always wanted to see Tool in concert.
fenwickdrummer: I've only been to one really big concert.
happyandbleeding_000: Who? fenwickdrummer: Mindless Self Indulgence, Clutch, and System of a Down.
fenwickdrummer: It was bad ass.
fenwickdrummer: I was trippin' and freaking out.
happyandbleeding_000: That's awesome. I bet it was awesome.
fenwickdrummer: LOL. Remember that website about the demons entering the body?
happyandbleeding_000: Yeah.
fenwickdrummer: Well I wrote the woman that made the site an e-mail and she wrote me back .
fenwickdrummer: "I strongly disagree. Demons can come in though fantasy role playing-though not everyone will get demons--some people will--especially if these games are taken seriously and played frequently." That is the entire letter she sent me.
fenwickdrummer: That's what she wrote.
fenwickdrummer: I told her that she was insane.
happyandbleeding_000: Ha ha ha ha ha hah a ha ha ha ha .........what did you write her in the first place?
fenwickdrummer: I can't remember exactly, but I was stoned and angry that she could be so ... so... insane.
happyandbleeding_000: That is hilarious. I want to write her an e-mail now.
fenwickdrummer: I'm not sure if I have her address anymore. Just a second.
happyandbleeding_000: Oh kay.
fenwickdrummer: ********@aol.com that's the one.
happyandbleeding_000: Sweet. thanx. I've got to go.
happyandbleeding_000: It was nice talking to you.
fenwickdrummer: Later.
happyandbleeding_000: Shalom.