I'd like to point out that an easy way to remember Spanish verb conjugations is in a two-column chart. One single list does not give itself to easy memorization and application. None of the spanish books I have treat verbs this way, although I'm sure there are some that do. I learned this from my Spanish 101 teacher. Here is an example:

The endings for the present indicative tense of regular -ar verbs:

Singular | Plural
1. -o   1. -amos
2. -as   2. (normally left out)
3. -a   3. -an

The conjugations are listed by person and plurality. The item in the first row, first column is the conjugation for the first person singular form of the verb. Likewise, the second row, first column is second person singular, and the third row, second column is third person plural. You get the idea.

To conjugate any regular -ar verb, take the verb stem (the infinitive without the -ar) and add the appropriate ending.

I've heard that stem changing verbs are sometimes called "boot verbs", because, based on the above chart form, the conjugations affected by the stem change make the shape of a boot. For example, if you conjugate the verb tener, (to have)...

Singular | Plural
1. tengo   1. tenemos
2. tienes   2. (skip)
3. tiene   3. tienen

The conjugations that are affected by the stem change are:

tiene    tienen