I feel it in my fingers i feel it in my toes...
This is, as most of you music nazis and all-purpose geeks know, the first line from love is all around by i don't remember who, but *not* Wet Wet Wet.
I feel something else right now,
it's everywhere i go to
I feel, reading day logs, looking at my friends, reading e-mails from a fellow noder who'll stay unnamed for privacy issues, that history is repeating itself. In the long run, it does, we all know this. But right here, right now same things are happening to people.
My life looks like a farce. After i finally managed to get over my ex-girlfriend, C., my best friend fell in love with a girl who technically loves him, too, but can not manage to show her feelings toweards him 'cause she's afraid of losing her freedom, my friend S. has the same problem with his ex, K.. So he just tries to stay in contact, to hide his feelings, to be a good friend, to wait for his chance. AND he is suffering like i did the year i did the same with C..
Another friend of mine, M.. Other girl - same story. Only change is that the both love each other and are both too shy to make the first step.
I started dreaming of C. again.
Yeah, and then there was this day log by Chihuahua Grub today. It remembered me of a good friend of mine i had sex with two years ago.
It was 20 years ago today...
She kicked me out of her flat next morning and i haven't heard from her since then.

My life is a stereo