I'm charming.

I know this. My friends online know this. My friends in real life seem to be skeptical, though.

Ok, I'm also bratty. Both my online and my real life friends and acquaintances agree on that one.

But really, it is very easy to be charming over the internet. When you're just words on a screen and sometimes a picture, nobody can see the piles of dirty dishes in your sink. They don't know about the teeth-cleaning with a safety pin kept stuck in the mousepad habit. It can never be known that I have the irrational and hard to resist urge to tickle people that I like.

All they know is that I like to hug people for random reasons. They know I usually have a cheerful attitude, but that's because they can't hear me cursing my brother's temper.

All sins can be forgiven by the separation of an internet connection.