Map of Downtown Chicago

This map (pretty much to scale) shows the streets in downtown Chicago, from Chicago Ave (800 N) south to Roosevelt Rd (1200 S), and from Sedgewick (400 W) east to McClurg Court on the north and Lake Shore Drive on the south (400 E). Scale follows the information provided here.

Also included are a few popular downtown attractions. Either mouse-over them (they're pipe-links), or use the handy table below the map. Please note that CTA el routes are not shown on this map, and that before doing any serious navigation one should always consult an actual map.

www represents pedestrian walkways over the Metra Electric and South Shore train tracks. RRR represents the Chicago River.

4                      2                             0                       2                       4
0                      0                                                     0                       0
0                      0                             E                       0                       0
W                      W                             w                       E                       E
                                                                       1          2
+-------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+-----+-------+---------------+-----------+ 800 N 
|S  Chic|ago    |      |       |       |      |      |     |     |       |               |           | (1 mile)
|e      |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |     |       |               |           |
|d      |       |      |       |       |    Su|perior|     |     |       |               |           |
|g      |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |W    |       |M  |S          |           |
|e      |       |      |       |       |      |Huron |     |a    |       |i  |t          |           |
|w      |       |F     |       |L     C|      |      |     |b    |      3|c  |           |           |
|i      |       |r     |       |a     l|      |      |     |a    |       |h  |C          |F         M|
|c      |       |a     |       |S     a|      | Erie |     |s    |       |i  |l          |a         c|
 k      |       |n     |       |a     r|      |      |     |h    |       |g  |a          |i         C|
        |       |k     |       |l     k|      |      |     |     |       |a  |i          |r         l|
        |       |l     |       |l      |     O|ntario|     |     |       |n  |r          |b         u|
I-90/94/|       |i     |       |e      |      |      |     |     |       |   |           |a         r|
======= |       |n     |       |       |      |      |     |     |R      |   |           |n         g|
Kennedy\|       |      |       |       |4     | Ohio |     |     |u      |   |           |k          |
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+-----+-------+---+-----------+-----------+ 600 N
        |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |     |s      |   |           |s          |
        |       |      |       |       |      |Grand |     |     |h      |   |           |           |
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+-----+-------+---+-----------+-----------+ Navy --\
        |       |      |       |       |      |      |S    |     |       |   |   C       |           | Pier --/
        |       |      |       |       |      |      |t    |     |       |   |   l       |           |
        |       |      |       |  Illin|ois   |      |a    |     |       |   |   a   P   |           |
        |       |      |       |       |      |D     |t    |     |       |   |   y| |l   |  P|   |N  |
        |       |      |       |Hubbard|      |e     |e    |     |       |   |   f| |a   |  a|   |e  |
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+----++-------+---+----+ |z   |  r|   |w  |
        |O      |      |       |       |      |a     |     |   /         |       r+-+----+---+---+---+ 400 N
        |r      |      |       |       |      |r     |     |  /          |       o   a   |  k         
        |l      |      |       |Kinzie |      |b     |     | /           |       n      /             
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----++ RRRRRRRRRRR|RRRRRRRtRRRRR/RRRRRRRRRRRRRR CHICAGO
        |e            5|       |       |      |o     |     |RRRRRRRRRRRR/RRRRRRRRRRRRR/RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RIVER
        |a             |       |       |      |r     |    R|RRR        /             /
        |n             |       |       |      |n     |  RRR|R         /             /
        +s             |       |       |      |      |RRRRR|         / Wacker      |
R        \      RRRRRRR|RRRRRRR|RRRRRRR|RRRRRR|RRRRRR|RRR  |     ---+--------+-----+------------------ 
RR        \ RRRRRRRRRRR|RRRRRRR|RRRRRRR|RRRRRR|RRRRRR|R    |    /   |        |     |
RRR      RR\_R         |       |       |      |      |     |   /    |        |     | /-- Columbus
RRR   RRRRRR \         |       |       |      |      |     |  /     |        |     | \-- Drive
RRRRRRRRRR    \        |       |       |Wacker|      |     | /      |S. Water|     |
RRRRRR         ++------+-------+-------+------+------+-----++-------+--------+-----+------------------ 
RRRR          / |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |        |     |
RRR         _/  |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |        |S    |
RRR        /    |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |        |t    |
RRR       /     |      |       |       | Lake |      |     |        |        |e    |
--------++------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+--------+--------+t    |                   200 N
RRR     |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |        |s    |
RRR     |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |        |o    |
RRR     |       |     W|       |       |      |      |     |        |        |n    |
RRR     |       |     e|       |     6 |      |      | Rand|olph  22|        |     |
RRR     |       |     l|      L|     7 | 9    |      |     |        |              |
RRR     |W      |     l|      a|       |      |      |     |        |M             |
RRR     |a      |     s|       |       |      |      |     |       8|i             |
RRR     |c      |      |      S|       |      |      | Wash|ington  |c             |
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+--------+h             |                // 
RRR     |k      |      |      a|       |      |      |     |        |i             |C    Grant      ||
RRR     |e      |      |      l|      C|      |      |     |        |g Millennium  |o     Park      ||L
RRR   10|r      |      |      l|      l|      |      |     |        |a    Park     |l               ||a
RRR     |       |      |      e|      a|      |      |     |Madison |n             |u               ||k
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+--------+              |m               ||e 0 N/S
RRR     |       |F     |       |      r|      |      |     |        |              |b               ||
RRR     |       |r     |       |      k|      |      |     |        |              |u               ||
RRR   11|       |a     |       |       |      |      |     |        |              |s               ||
RRR     |       |n     |       |       |      |      |     | Monroe |              |                ||
RRR     |       |k     |       |       |      |      |     |        |              |                ||
RRR     |       |l     |       |       |      |      |     |        |              |D               ||
RRR     |       |i     |       |       |      |      |     |        |              |r               ||S
RRR     |       |n     |       |       | Adams|      |     |        |              |i               ||h
--------+-------+------+-------+-------+------+------+-----+--------+ 15           |v               ||o 200 S
RRR     |       |      |       |       |      |      |     |        |              |e               ||r
RRR     |       |      |Quincy |       |      |      |     |        |              |                ||e
RRR     |       +------+-------+-------+      |      |   16|        |              |  12            ||
RRR     |  18   |      |       |       |      |      |  17 | Jackson|              |                ||
RRR     |       |      |   |F    |     |    | | |    |     |        |              |                ||
RRR     |       |      |   |i    |     |    | | |    |     |        |              |  13            ||
RRR     |       |      |   |n    |     |    | | |    |     |        |              |                ||D
RRR     |       |      |   |a    |     |    | | | Van|Buren|        |              |                ||r
--------+-------+------+---+-----+-----+----+-+-+----+-----+--------+--wwwwwwwwwwww|                ||i 400 S
 RRR    |       |      |   |n    |     |    | | |  19|     |        |  \           |                ||v
  RRR    \      |      |   |c    |     |    | | |    |     |        |   \          |                ||e
   RRR    \     |      |   |i    |     |    | | |    |     |        |    \         |                ||
    RRR    \    |      |   |a    |Congr|ess | | |Pkwy|     |        |     \        |                ||
I-290 RRR    \  |      |   |l    |     |    | | |    |     |        |     /        |                ||
       RRR    \ |      |   |     |     |    | | |    |     |        |    /         |                ||U
        RRR    \|      |   |S    |     |    | | |    |     |        |   /          |                ||S
         RRR    +      |   |t    |     |    | | |    | Harr|ison    |  /           |                ||
----------------+------+---++----+-----+----+-+-+----+-----+--------+--wwwwwwwwwwww|                ||R 600 S
           RRR         |    |    |     |   F| | |P   |     |        |20            |  14            ||t
           RRR         |W   |    |     |   e| | |l   |     |        |              |                ||
           RRR         |e   |    |     |   d| | |y   |     |        |              |                ||4
            RRR        |l   |    |     |   e| | |m   |     | Balbo  |21            |                ||1
            RRR        |l   |    |     |   r| | |o   +-----+--------+--------------+----------------++ 
            RRR        |s   |    |     |   a| | |u   |     |W       |              |                ||
             RRR       |    |    |     |   l| | |t   |S    |a       |              |                ||
             RRR       |    |Polk|     |    | | |h   |t    |b       |M             |                ||
---------    RRR       +----+----+-----+----+-+-+----+a    |a       |i             |                ||
  Polk        RRR      |    |    |     |        |    |t    |s       |c             |                ||
              RRR      |    |    |     |    P|       |e    |h       |h             |   Hutchinson   ||
              RRR      |    |    |     |    a|  |    +-----+--------+i             |      Field     || 800 S
               RRR     |    |    |     |    r|  |    |     |  8th   |g             |                ||
               RRR     |    |    |     |    k|  |    |S    |        |a             |                ||
               RRR     |    |    |     |     |  |    |t    |        |n             |                ||
                RRR    |    |    |     |    T|  |    |     |        |              |                ||
                RRR    |    |    |     |    r+--+----+-----+--------+A             |                ||
                RRR    |    |    |     |     |  |P   |     |        |v             |         MSI,   ||
                 RRR   +----+    +-----+    /   |l   |     |        |e             |       Soldier  || 1000 S
                 RRR   |  Taylor St.   |   /    |y   |     |        |              |      Field and ||
                 RRR                   |  /     |m   |     |        |              |        I-55    ||  
                  RRR                  |  |     |o   +-----+--------+              |         ||     || 
                  RRR                  |  |     |u   |     |  11th  |              |         ||     ||   
                  RRR                  |        |t   |     |        |              |        \  /    ||  
                   RRR                 |        |h   |     |        |wwwwwwwwwwwwww|         \/     || 
                   RRR                 |        |    |     |        |              |                || Museum --\
                   RRR                 |   Roose|velt|     |        |              |1200 S  (1 mile)|| Campus --/

Points of interest:

  1. Old Water Tower/Chicago Water Works
  2. Museum of Contemporary Art
  3. Terra Museum of American Art
  4. River North
  5. Merchandise Mart
  6. James R. Thompson Center/State of Illinois Building
  7. City Hall and County Building
  8. Chicago Cultural Center
  9. Richard J. Daley Center and the Picasso
  10. Civic Opera House
  11. Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  12. Grant Park Concerts
  13. Taste of Chicago (June-July)
  14. Buckingham Fountain
  15. Art Institute of Chicago
  16. Symphony Center-Chicago Symphony Orchestra
  17. Chicago Architecture Foundation
  18. Sears Tower
  19. Harold Washington Library
  20. Museum of Contemporary Photography
  21. Spertus Museum of Judaica
  22. Gallery 37 Center for the Arts

Credit to: brochures, personal knowledge.