Slime has a neat feel to it and it had the gross out factor that little kids seem to really like (Come on, you like it too). I would suggest using this outside as it could get really messy.

You will need the following:

1 box of cornstarch
½ cup water
green food coloring

Mix together and stick your hands in it. Pretend to sneeze. Squish it around with your bare feet. You are having a sensual experience.

Side note: I recently read that someone had recalled playing with slime as a kid and remembered how this stuff stays soft until you hit it or squeeze it, then it gets kind of hard for a few seconds. He then used the properties of slime to create hip pads for older people to cushion the fall should they take a tumble, thereby avoiding broken hips. Yay for playing! It really does pay off.

This substance is similar to ooblick, but has green food coloring added to it.