Community theatre in Rhinelander, WI, located on campus of Nicolet Area Technical College. Anywhere between two and four times a year, Nicolet Players produce a play at Nicolet Theatre. The theatre also shows plays produced by visiting companies, as well as concerts, and other events.
The theatre was converted for its purpose from a large college auditorium. Because of that, the stage was simply built at the bottom of the auditorium, and does not have a curtain. The backstage was created by building a separating wall, and is actually a section of the original auditorium. The wall is removable (foldable), so the audience section can be enlarged whenever a huge audience is expected and a real backstage is not quite needed (for example. whenenver Joan Baez comes and gives a concert). In that case, the backstage is reduced to two dressing rooms, and a small passage way from the dressing rooms to the stage.