So, my bowels are cursed, and I'm forced to live a dairy-free existence. As far as I know, I have ulcerative colitis and dairy is my main trigger food. (Pickles are another, by the way.) I'm dealing with it, whatever. Cut to this morning, and I order two breakfast tacos with potato, egg, and avocado using the build your own option through a food delivery service. (I don't have a car and often depend upon the kindness of strangers.) Received my order, opened them up to add salt (don't tell my hypertension), and both tacos had cheese!!! A few years ago, that would have been cause for celebration, as I love cheese. Now, however? Nope, can't do it. So I go through the forty-two step process of asking for a refund so that I can wait 3-10 days to get my money back. And I'm hungry. *sigh*

Mini rant over, thank you for listening, may your day be blessed!

First World Problems