One week in and on the same day as the first presidential debate of this election year, not to mention my birthday, I share this


Currently, there have been twenty (20!) submissions from ten different participants, and nine additional writeups have been published outside of the scope of the quest. Factuals dominate the line-up, and there have been six nodeshell rescues as well as one wu added to an already existing node. The knowledge gathering and sharing has been a sight to behold. I, for one, am quite pleased with the progress especially as this June's number of writeups has passed last June's number by, you guessed it, twenty, based on data retrieved from site trajectory and the month isn't over yet. And, oh, the soft linking that has taken place! The increase in digital pathways is most welcome, at least to these eyes, and warms my heart. We are well on our way to another successful quest, and I thank you all. Side Content is now growing almost daily.

On a more personal level, I continue to progress through the ins and outs 'round here. Received my first real sanctification. Leveled up again. Did a few things out of order, hopefully this will help me think things through in the future. We'll see. Fixed one already, still not entirely sure how to rectify the other two. Realized even more so that there are more sides to this quest than I had realized - it truly is multi-sided. I even added a few more nodeshells to the additional inspiration section.

In unrelated news, Kinky Friedman died yesterday, June 26, 2024. Sadness there is and my condolences go out to his family, friends, and followers.

More to write but the thoughts have scattered, scurrying off into distance. Perhaps I'll edit them in later...or add new writeups. One or the other or both, I suppose.