Many people show very bad etiquette at the driving range. Cell phone conversations and constant exclamations of

Didja see that one?

have no place at the range. People are assholes, and they can't help but carry their lack of empathy with them to the driving range, golf course, highway, or bedroom. Golf requires concentration for efficient play or practice. When some idiot talks to his broker in the tee box next to you, he's not only wasting your time, he's wasting your money too. I'd like to see someone develop a clandestine taser so I can deal with these people on an individual basis, discreetly and efficiently.

If you're privileged enough to practice on a grass range, please note that you can minimize your damage to the range by placing the ball immediately in back of the divot from your last practice shot. Just inch back, extending the divot backward with each new shot.