This is a song by Ween, from the album Pure Guava.

The opening song on Ween's most famous album, this one is sung with warped guitar that sounds almost backwards, through something that makes the singer's voice sounds very odd. This is repeated a couple times with different singers. I have allowed people to listen to this song on a Walkman and have been informed that my batteries were dying; not so. That's just how the song sounds!

The first verse is sung by Gene Ween, and the second by Mean Ween (who was on the cover of their album The Pod but is not a regular member of the band). Interspersed with weird little repetitions of "oh little birdy," this song falls in with many other Ween songs in making no frigging sense, for example, take the following verse:

i saw the little birdy sing
he sang with glee and everything
he sang for spring and he sang for me
and everything was so happy

When the bird is accused in the song of trying to get them high, one assumes that the band members already are.

This song is © 1992 by Ween, Elektra Records (Cassette), © 1992 CD Creation Records (CD).

Pure Guava
Next song on this album: Tender Situation