Today's my birthday.

Today's also the day that Nintendo announced the redesigned Nintendo DS Lite.

I turned eighteen years old today. Oddly, I don't feel any different. Should I feel different on my eighteenth birthday? Everyone always makes a big deal about one's eighteenth birthday. I can legally buy porn and smoke and vote and register for the draft. I was looking forward to today, but now that it's come, I don't feel any different. Is one's eighteenth birthday really that big of a day? On my sixteenth birthday, I was able to have sex. On my twenty-first birthday, I'll be able to drink. At the time, I wasn't really looking forward to banging any chicks. And I'm certaintly not looking forward to ingesting alcohol.

16 and 21 are just numbers, as is 18.

Ooh, I'm an adult. I forgot about that. But wait, I don't feel any different. I don't act any different. I'm the same kid I used to be. I will continue to be the same kid for quite some time. Sure, I've always been slightly more mature for my age, but you don't get a sudden dosage of maturity and responsibility and understanding at the age of eighteen. I feel like I did when I turned 16: disconnected with the world and not really in the mood to care.

So happy birthday to me.

I gotta import one of those new DS's.