When you don't write a daylog for years there is a LOT to talk about. I watched Robin Williams on David Letterman tonight and I thought about commenting (maybe on facebook) how fucking funny he was. Then I thought about using the word "fuck."
See I'm staying with my parents right now. I thought about writing "living" with them but it's only been since Cinco de Mayo so I can still pretend this is a vacation or something.
The truth is I still don't know if I understand what my girlfriend wants.
Anyway, back to "fuck" and my parents. My father had cautioned me when I was still under his wing (before I dropped out of college and stopped going home for the holidays, etc.) that I should be careful what I say even in private e-mails, because people could use this against you.
I took it to mean I might ruin my chance at being president if I e-mailed a girl and told her how much I'd like to fuck her. Since I had no interest in being an important person I never really heeded his advice.
You could certainly say my vulgarity was used against me and led to me losing my job at IHOP in Fort Collins 10 years ago, however. So maybe my dad is on to SOMETHING.
More than worrying about who actually reads this and actually knows who it is that is writing it, I was thinking of courtesy. Maybe it's the old rule of living by their rules while I live in their house that Christopher Hitchens would advocate (Surely Mr. Hitchens would not approve me me not bowing my head while they say grace before dinner each night).
Anyway, I was re-reading my daylogs and the one previous to this one talks about me eating my own come. So I guess I shouldn't worry about "fuck."
I wrote some spewage on facebook...but I kind of like this E2 format still...and E2 was smart enough to make it easy to link from facebook to here. Which is interesting. Because anyone can read the shit I write here on E2 and they don't know who I am and that's kind of nice...you know, when I'm talking about tasting semen, for instance. But once I link it to facebook that is like inviting people there to come here...to the land I let my brain spill. And that is oh so cool for the cool friends I have on facebook...but what about my sister-in-law, or random Christian girls that knew me in high school?
I crave honesty. I crave openness. It bothers me I have never heard my mother say "fuck" firsthand, but I heard several accounts of her potty mouth from girls who worked in the same retail store as she did.
See, now I've invited people to think my mother is a hypocrite! You (or at the very least *I* when I read this years from now) can see my dilemma.
I mentioned I came here on Cinco de Mayo. The two weeks before that I worked as a Busman, which is just like a Busboy, only much, much more depressing, at a fancy Mexican restaurant in a casino in Vegas.
The month before that, April Fools came and went uneventfully.
There is so much more I want to say, but I fear for my parents, for my girlfriend, and for those beautiful Christian girls who can make me come, even though it doesn't make them Jesus.
I'd pipe link that line, but it feels like cheating, bonus points for you if you get the lyrical reference. If you don't, you might want to ask your wife.