Just a note, the 11 dimensional theory is reduced to a theory of 10 dimensional branes connected over a complex circle, this connection is the dimension along which the branes travel. The travelling branes are now 10 dimensional objects. Of these 10 dimensions 6 contain all of the majic of some modern particle physics (supersymmetric physics and the like). The visible brane (our brane) and the hidden brane live at opposite ends in a backgroud gravity. They live at the same potential and between them there is a potential drop. The Colliding brane falls down the potential and as it moves it gains extra energy from the background. When this brane collides with our brane the extra energy that it absorbed from the background is release as the "big bang" event in our universe.

An important point is that the brane has long enough to move to allow quantum fluctuations to equilibrate across the brane, these are then imprinted on our univese, given the appearerence of superluminal correlations on our sky. The Brane definitly moves across the gap at subluminal velocities and may move at substatially subluminal velocities. This is a large departure in method from inflation.

M-theory is an 11 dimesional theory. You need to get rid of 7 of these dimensions. The method for doing this is called compactification. The choice for compactification that the ekpyrotic universe makes is arbitrary and is chosen to agree with cosmological observations.

At a talk on the ekpyrotic universe that I attended reecently given by one of the theories inventors, Brian Greene made the comment that for a long time cosmologists said that boundry condtions for their theories would be justified from improved particle physics models, now it seems that the reverse is happeneing. There is not yet an ab initio criteria for these theories other than the antropomorphic one.