The Islamic Calendar, used by Muslims, is based on the moon. It has 12 months of either 29 or 30 days. Eleven times, every 30 years, an extra day is added to keep the calendar in time with the moon, not the seasons.

Since the Islamic year is just 354 or 355 days long, holidays move backward through the seasons, and each year, a holiday comes eleven days or sooner. In 33 years, the holiday is back where it started.

Year 1 on the Islamic Calendar was 622 on the Gregorian Calendar, while 1420 was 2000.

Islamic Calendar
Month            Days
1.  Muharram     30
2.  Safar        29
3.  Rabi I       30
4.  Rabi II      29
5.  Jumada I     30
6.  Jumada II    29
7.  Rajab        30
8.  Shaban       29
9.  Ramadan      30
10. Shawwal      29
11. Zulkadah     30
12. Zulhijjah    29