The bad guys in Star Con were called the "Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah", giant black and purple space aliens who used blobby geneticly modified creatures called talking pets as translators.

Hundreds of years ago, the "talking pets" (dyanari) had managed to enslave most of the galaxy, including the once peacefull ur-quan, but one day an ur-quan discoverd that excruciator pain would cause their slave masters to disconnect, they revolted... but continued their revolt attempting to destroy most of the races in the galaxy in the process.

In the process of this revolt, a dispute amongst two factions of the ur-quan emerge. In order for the Ur-Quan races never to become enslaved again should they destroy all other races in the galaxy or meerly enslave them behind impenetrably planet sized slave shield? The enraged Ur-Quan factions decide to solve this dilemma once and for all with yet another war: A doctrinal conflct.