Her heart's too real to not have its own beat -
arrhythmic, a bee dance, techno gone awry.
A design gone complex, her own sweet misfire.

Reforging a heart means reforging in fire
dousing in ice by night, hammered till daylight -
Her heart's too real to not have its own beat

She's too sweet not to have her own sour -
to work and rework until the lines come aright.
A design gone complex, her own sweet misfire

at each step in the song in gold from the pyre.
To trace out in embers, a line from arrythmia -
Her heart's too real to not have its own beat.

No standard design or deviation to render -
to unbreak her heart or stir dancing feet -
A design gone complex, her own sweet misfire.

To destroy, to remake, the same but traced golden
from misfortune, misfire, stronger in sutures.
Her heart's too real to not have its own beat -
A design gone complex, her own sweet misfire.

for a friend