I'm broke. My cat is sick and I can't afford to take her to the vet.

My little one, Ash, rescued from a building site in Corona, California, isn't eating much and is throwing up almost everything she eats. She's never been big, but now she's so light ... she's clearly not getting the nutrition she needs. She's not feverish, and she's not lacking in appetite -- she was begging for chicken pot pie last night when we were eating -- but nothing's staying down.

We have absolutely no money that's not spoken for already until the 20th. Extended periods of unemployment over the past three years have destroyed both my savings and my credit rating. Unexpectedly huge bills last month set me back. I can't not pay the rent or other bills I must pay. I need gas for the car, and we've spent most of our food money on groceries already, intending to cook at home and economise.

Investigating what low-cost options there are. Unfortunately I'm not low income, just broke. We'll see; hopefully she'll start to regain strength on her own.