Some disturbing dreams last night...
- I decide to cut off my ears. I have some practical purpose for cutting them off - I think they are interfering with my hair, and I think they look ugly. In any case, I cut them off using a kitchen knife. It only stings slightly and there is no blood. They came off like silly putty. I put them on a plate. I think that this is the second time I have cut them off and they will grow back. After I cut them off I realize I am mistaken and that they are not going to grow back. I get scared about my future life with no ears.
- I am at a cottage, by a lake. I believe I am on some sort of trip with my boyfriend. His ex-girlfriend is there. (I have never actually met any of his ex-girlfriends, so she is an invention of my psyche.) She is very tall and skinny, close to six feet. She is also extremely muscular, and smokes. She has dark hair and glasses. She tells my boyfriend how she thinks I'm stupid right in front of me. I also know that she thinks I'm weak.
I didn't wake up happy this morning...