An amazing writer of "science fiction", capturing the reader with his dark humor and creative weirdness, not unlike Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. I told the lady in the science fiction section that I was ashamed calling him science fiction because he smacked of near perfect liturature. She replied that he was just what science fiction needed to wash the crap off its good name. I have to agree. I describe him as "liturature with a sci-fi twist".
His books, in the order I read them:

Amnesia Moon: Got it on sale for 3 dollars hard cover. No description does it justice. BUY IT is all I can say. Don't even read the reviews or the dust jacket, this book is better as a total surprise.

Gun, With Occasional Music:Set in a strange future, starring a "Sam Spade" style detective in a world full of genetically enhanced animals and artificially raised children. Comedy insues. Another one worth owning.

The Wall of the Sky; the Wall of the eye: Stories: Normally I detest short stories. No one can write them well. This man, again breaks the rules. Weirdness abounds. Buy it.

As She Climbs Accross the Table: A love story. An obsession story. About a science experiment, but thats pretty much the only sci-fi lunacy in the novel. I read it in one sitting at a book store. Not my favorite, but well written. Read the dust cover then buy or dont buy.

Girl in Landscape: Probably my least favorite book of his. Like Little House on the Prarie meets Lost in Space. Not much of a sci-fi content other than it takes place on mars. Again, a good read, but I am going to have to call this one a loaner.

Motherless Brooklyn: An exceptional piece of liturature. No science fiction content at all. period. As weird as it sounds, its the story of a Detective with Tourettes syndrom and his search for his mentors killers. Amusing, touching, strange and even a bit chilling.

Apparently Letham co-authored a book called Kafka Americana, with Carter Scholz. This I have not yet picked up, but I will throw it in here as soon as I have.