Standard QWERTY keyboard:

   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = (del)
(tab) Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \
(clok) A S D F G H J K L ; ' (ret)
(shift) Z X C V B N M , . / (shift)

Left-handed Dvorak keyboard:

   ` [ ] / P F M L J 4 3 2 1 (del)
(tab) ; Q B Y U S R O . 6 5 = \
(clok) - K C D T H E A Z 8 7 (ret)
(shift) ' X G V W N I , 0 9 (shift)

Right-handed Dvorak keyboard:

   ` 1 2 3 4 J L M F P / [ ] (del)
(tab) 5 6 Q . O R S U Y B ; = \
(clok) 7 8 Z A E H T D C K - (ret)
(shift) 9 0 X , I N W V G ' (shift)
It's apparently not widely advertised that learning these layouts can be a terrific advantage in computer applications where you want to type full words and keep your hand on the mouse at the same time.

Spreadsheets, for example. Deathmatch games when you want to be able to send sophisticated insults to your opponents. Code editing, when you want to move your cursor around the page often. Graphic design with lots of text involved. Web page design with lots of formatting. Any word processing where you need to access the toolbar frequently. And so on and so forth.

You can even, at least in Windows 2000, use a different layout for every program window you have open: QWERTY for most of your programs, and Dvorak left- or right-handed for only those you use the mouse with heavily. It won't confuse you. You'll find yourself automatically switching from one layout when you use one hand to the other one when you use two.