The start of the NYC neighborhood called Alphabet City, Avenue A runs between East Houston Street and 14th Street in the East Village (about 50² blocks). Houses a lot of bars, like Lucy's, which appeared in the film Hurricane Streets, along with innumerable multi-storie brownstones, the ground level of which are often opened up into tiny convenience stores, makeshift florists, and generally hippies, Pakistani street merchants, and usually several small enclaves of boombox-toting black guys in their late teens and early twenties supporting themselves by selling incense, CDs, and gold jewelry of dubious value. Each group does its own thing, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a collective unrest in that part of the city. Much of Manhattan's contingent of the hippie/vegan/non-violent scene along with the detritus of its popular culture can be easily found in a great many businesses there.
Avenue A itself runs by St. Mark's Place, which would be another large dot on a subcultures-of-NYC map, if such a thing existed. Thompkins Square Park, which for years was the place to buy a dime bag, is also very nearby.