Me and some old friends were attending something resembling a
UN-meeting, as
spectators. A lot of other people were too, since the meeting was held in a _huge_ fullpacked
stadium. Don't ask me why. The
chairman held an opening
statement in a seremonial tone, standing on a 5x7m square ramp down in some pit in the middle. When he finished, the crowd started clapping and cheering, and the ramp
ascended quickly 10 meters or so. It stopped level with and inside a 5x7m hole in a 7x9m square, and the chairman stepped forward onto the outer square, to signify that the
conference was opened or something.
The chairman spoke some more, announcing someone (I never caught any of what they said), and stepped aside as a delegate or some such came down to the podium and started speaking. Suddenly an announcement interrupted the speaker, booming out across the stadium, sounding something like this:
"This audio is illegally transmitted with the aid of mp3 technology. Your illegal use of mp3 to play copyrighted audio has been logged. This recording will now end."
Silence. My friends and I understood that the audio was beeing sent through some network, and that a monitoring program had triggered on the audio-format and added the message before stopping the stream. The show had technical problems, and the men in suits down at the podium appeared to squirm in the unwanted mirth of the audience, who also understod what had happened.
Then someone raised a cry: Napster we love ya!. Someone repeated it, and suddenly one half of the crowd was shouting it at the other half, who responded in turn. Napster we love ya!. Some were just laughing or explaining theories of what had happened to their neighbours, while others did the wave or raised fists in the air. I thought how cool it would be to node this dream, and promptly woke.