Located in the heart of New York Mills, Minnesota (population ~2000), in Otter Tail County, the innovative Regional Arts Retreat and Cultural Center is a thriving center of activity. Musical performances, gallery exhibits, a retreat program for artists from across the country, and summer arts classes for children and adults provide something for almost everyone, residents and visitors alike.

NYMRCC Mission Statement: "The NYMRCC is dedicated to expanding the cultural and creative opportunities of rural Americans by offering innovative, quality arts programming, and demonstrating how the arts can be used as an economic development tool in rural communities across the nation."

The Center usually invites artists to come and stay in New York Mills and work on their craft for a 4-6 week stint. The visiting artist usually also volunteers in the elementary or high school classrooms in town. The last few visiting artists have been writers and painters, typically.

Also, The Great American Think-Off was started here. It was begun by Arts Retreat founder, John Davis, as a way for ordinary people to express their opinions on serious issues.

Sources: http://www.kulcher.org/ http://www.think-off.org/