The Pouting Tent was derived from the Original Pouting Loft (complete with stuffed animals and live cat). The magic of the Pouting Tent is that it is a personal refuge for pouting, sulking, and general depression. It can be shared with a few close buddies or remain a private nothing nook. (I recommend a tent because it is less expensive and it can be decorated to suit your personality (whether it is plain green or bright pink with Sailor Moon on it), not to mention the convenience of something portable) Even if you don't own a tent, (I am only admitted as a guest from time to time), you can find an alternative Pouting Place, such as:
As you can see, the mindset is what counts--but it is very important that it is your own Personal Place of Pouting. See Eeyore for a prime example

Note: Not everyone is in need of a Pouting Tent--I myself do not particularly desire a Pouting place, but it is always fun to visit others', so if you do pout a lot, why not make it official?? Revel in your sulking--glorify it!