user since
Wed Dec 11 2002 at 19:14:52 (22.3 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jan 21 2024 at 19:37:02 (1.2 years ago )
number of write-ups
39 - View joes3029's writeups (feed)
level / experience
7 (Chronicler) / 5108
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Writing nodes that don't actually deserve to be eaten
Really really bad jokes
Uplight / Xhuma
Things that seem really clever while drunk should NOT be done - EVER.
most recent writeup
An Incident at the Store
Send private message to joes3029

Yup. I'm me. Roll on up to see the REAL! LIVE! SOUTH AFRICAN! not recommended by doctors

Description: Not Dead.

Shoutouts To: Princess Therion, Strawberry Frog, trembling, Frankie, Pandora, iocane, carnun and all you other South Africans out there, and the editors without whom I would have already filled E2 to the brim with complete crap.

Thanks also go to Segnbora-t, who sent me a postcard (one of the side-effects of being on the EMAR). It was really great to get it - this is what makes E2 a community.

I like this node, and no one else likes it enough to upvote it. Weird. Of course, it doesn't really get downvoted either, so I'm not gonna complain.

I never knew him on E2, I arrived long after he left us, but having seen what he has posted, and the memories he has left in the mind of the noders who remember him... /me misses Sensei

I seem to find fewer and fewer fictitious articles being published nowadays. While I appreciate that the drive on E2 is to have more factual articles, I can't help but think the the fiction and the humour is what makes E2 the best place to spend all of my online time at, as well as the best place to start research on anything I may need to look up. But hey, I'm still a newbie here, so I appreciate I don't have much say. If anyone has something to say though, please /msg me, I'd value your input.

I am constantly working on new nodes, so anyone is welcome to check out my scratchpad and give me advice/criticism - please note that I add my hard-links last, so don't be surprised if you don't see any. Don't worry, I will put them in :-)

Please note - this homenode is still under construction - RealLifetm is getting in my way.

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 | PAST                                                                  PRESENT

This graph was created by in10se's E2 Link and Logger Client at 9/7/2005 10:23:51 AM

E2 User Statistics
Nodes:   28      XP:       1708    Cools:      52
Max Rep: 92      Min Rep:  12      Total Rep:  867
Node-Fu: 61      WNF:      50.5357 Cool Ratio: 185.7143%
Merit:   26.3571 Devotion: 738     Mean:       30.9643
idea: 46.4286%  person: 17.8571%  place: 3.5714%  thing: 32.1429%  

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Reputation
3C! Paris Hilton (.1
6C! Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day (.2
2C! How to quit Not Smoking (.3
2C! Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse (.4
4C! Baba Yaga (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Lowest Reputation
1.) Clarion wept 1C!
1.) Telkom and High Speed Internet
2.) The Round Table 1C!
3.) Gemsbok
4.) Impala
4.) An e-mail address is NOT a website
5.) Akin to a cat 3C!
5.) aardwolf 1C!

Top 5 Cooled Writeups with the Highest Reputation
3C! Paris Hilton (.1
6C! Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day (.2
2C! How to quit Not Smoking (.3
2C! Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse (.4
4C! Baba Yaga (.5

Top 5 Cooled Writeups with the Lowest Reputation
1.) Clarion wept 1C!
2.) The Round Table 1C!
3.) Akin to a cat 3C!
3.) aardwolf 1C!
4.) April 9, 2005 1C!
4.) Pietermaritzburg 1C!
5.) Splashy Fen 2005 - Music, Madness and Noders in the Mountains - A Nodermeet that'll rock your socks off 2C!
5.) Slammer 1C!
5.) Meme 3C!
5.) acid rain 2C!
5.) Hansie Cronje 1C!

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Upvote Ratio
4C! Baba Yaga (.1
1C! arete (.1
3C! Ronnie Kray (.1
2C! acid rain (.1
1C! Hansie Cronje (.1
Gemsbok (.1
An e-mail address is NOT a website (.1
3C! 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (.2
2C! the best way to sit at and use your computer (.3
3C! Paris Hilton (.4
2C! Johanna Spyri (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Downvote Ratio
1.) Clarion wept 1C!
2.) Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse 2C!
3.) How to quit Not Smoking 2C!
4.) Splashy Fen 2005 - Music, Madness and Noders in the Mountains - A Nodermeet that'll rock your socks off 2C!
5.) Initial report on the incident at Epsilon Foxtrot 3C!

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Number of Votes
3C! Paris Hilton (.1
2C! How to quit Not Smoking (.2
6C! Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day (.3
2C! Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse (.4
4C! Baba Yaga (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Least Number of Votes
1.) An e-mail address is NOT a website
2.) Telkom and High Speed Internet
3.) Gemsbok
4.) The Round Table 1C!
5.) Clarion wept 1C!

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Upvotes
3C! Paris Hilton (.1
6C! Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day (.2
2C! How to quit Not Smoking (.3
2C! Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse (.4
4C! Baba Yaga (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Downvotes
1.) How to quit Not Smoking 2C!
1.) Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse 2C!
2.) Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day 6C!
2.) Initial report on the incident at Epsilon Foxtrot 3C!
3.) Downfall of the TCPA 2C!
3.) Splashy Fen 2005 - Music, Madness and Noders in the Mountains - A Nodermeet that'll rock your socks off 2C!
4.) Slammer 1C!
4.) Clarion wept 1C!
5.) Paris Hilton 3C!
5.) Akin to a cat 3C!

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Cools
6C! Strategic Transcendence on $5 a day (.1
4C! Baba Yaga (.2
3C! Paris Hilton (.3
3C! 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (.3
3C! Initial report on the incident at Epsilon Foxtrot (.3
3C! Ronnie Kray (.3
3C! Meme (.3
3C! Akin to a cat (.3
2C! How to quit Not Smoking (.4
2C! Ultimate Bazooka of Thermonuclear Apocalypse (.4
2C! the best way to sit at and use your computer (.4
2C! Downfall of the TCPA (.4
2C! malware: A Layman's Guide (.4
2C! Johanna Spyri (.4
2C! Splashy Fen 2005 - Music, Madness and Noders in the Mountains - A Nodermeet that'll rock your socks off (.4
2C! acid rain (.4
1C! arete (.5
1C! Slammer (.5
1C! Hansie Cronje (.5
1C! April 9, 2005 (.5
1C! Pietermaritzburg (.5
1C! aardwolf (.5
1C! The Round Table (.5
1C! Clarion wept (.5

Top 5 Non-C!ed Writeups with the Highest Reputation
1.) Impala
1.) An e-mail address is NOT a website
2.) Gemsbok
3.) Telkom and High Speed Internet

These lists were generated by in10se's E2 Link and Logger Client at 8/4/2005 1:33:54 PM