Oh no. I'm so shocked and appalled I'll never fucking read George magazine again, because it's not like I've heard any of those things before.

As to whether the Kennedys represent America, OK: I grant you: the Kennedys are decadent fucks. If they're royalty, they represent a country that was stolen through whatever means necessary - including genocide and slavery, compared with which fucking Marilyn Monroe was almost a favor to humanity.

I can't name a family or community in this country without problems of drugs and sex (evidently, the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam do not register as crimes in DMan's estimation - there is much less to be pitied there than in the obvious weaknesses in the character of many of the Kennedy clan). Most of us did not grow up under a microscope, nor were we afforded all the money and protection necessary to fuel our various unhealthy obsessions.

Unlike the Kennedys, real royals (you know, all the European fucks who married their cousins and died of syphilis) are terribly sweet and good.

Do I really seem that uncalm? I 'fess: I'm a shirttail Kennedy, and I haven't seen my heroin dealer in weeks.